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Sign-up for Kelowna Nordic Site

You have questions and we have answers.

Why should I sign-up on the Kelowna Nordic website?

Excellent question. Signing up on the Kelowna Nordic website gives you access to our forum and groups such as Carpooling, and access to your history of purchases from our site. We will be adding more groups as time goes on.

Note that you will need to sign-up at least in part if you purchase a day pass and/or an event such as Masters Lessons. Note we will be setting up specific groups for the Masters lessons as well.

Didn't I did all of this when I purchased my annual membership. Why do I need to do this again?

Annual memberships are purchased through Zone4. We then import the memberships into the Kelowna Nordic contacts database. A contact however is not a site member. When you sign-up on Kelowna Nordic it assigns you to the contact that we have imported using your email address.

Note that when you sign-up you will set a password. This password is NOT accessible by anybody at Kelowna Nordic or anyone else at Wix. (For the technically minded the password is stored as a cryptographic hash.) If you forget your password then you can reset it using the reset password link. Note that your sign-up is confirmed by you via an email we send you after you sign-up.

Once you have signed up then when you log in you will be able to see your history of purchases on the site including day passes, master lessons etc. and you will be able to enrol in groups such as Carpooling.

I'm not an annual member. Can I still sign-up?

Yes. Becoming a site member is open to everyone who is not a bot. If you are a bot then please leave now and go to where ever bots recreate. As a site member you will still receive newsletters and be able to browse your history of day pass purchases, etc. and you will be able to participate in all groups that do not require an annual membership.

You've convinced me! How do I sign up for Kelowna Nordic ?

The sign-up / login button is in the top righthand side of the website. Signing up consists of entering the same email address that you used in the Zone4 registration (if you are an annual member) , first name, last name and a password that you choose.

Note that you can sign up for the Kelowna Nordic website and get updated on news and manage your purchases, etc. even you are not an annual member (yet 😀).

If you have an questions, concerns or comments then send them my way at


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