The Cabins and Cookies Tour for 2024 is this Saturday, March 2nd starting at 9 am.
The event is free but please register at the Cabins and Cookies Event so we can plan for numbers.
This is an event for everybody! Tour our cabins either by ski or snowshoe and enjoy a few cookies on us.
Note there will be a few leaders to lead out trips on skis and snowshoes to the cabins if you are unfamiliar with the trails or simply want some company! Lead group tours will be leaving promptly at 9 am.
You can preview the trails for ski and snowshoe on the Ski Routes and Snowshoe Routes pages.
In addition to the tour there will be a Scavenger Hunt Bingo game for anyone to play.
PSSST! There may be a few special guests out on the trails. Catch one and he or she will give you a special cookie!